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Everything is ready. The curtain goes up again In Agerola.
A unique stage on the Amalfi coast which gives, indefatigably, emotions, colors, sounds, notes and flavors. Welcome to the third edition of “Agerola On the Path of the Gods, Festival on the High part of the Amalfi Coast.”
A volcano of feelings and the prestige of artists in a setting where the e chantment of magical places merges with the purity of the traditions and the eternity of ancient flavors. Come to visit us, to savor with us with sensitivity of art and culture that never dies and to fall in love with that feeling that being
Neapolitan, we have deep in our souls.
# Suisentierideglidei is a strong bond with a place and its history and the curiosity to see the many colors of the same sunset paint, with emotions, clear skies.
An image which you will never stop admiring. A breath that contains thousands of new flavors. A harmonious voice that sounds like a choir.
The Festival is an event that becomes a celebration, an anniversary, a must but at the same time an exclusive stop.
A grimace that regains its romantic energy for every new scene.
It’s the story where you are the protagonist. It’s a stage which tells a tale of passion, enthusiasm and beauty. Yes, the same beauty which is in every corner of Agerola and that forces you to fall in love every day , again and again, with this magical land: a land of strong, brave, industrious and hospitable men who
have the wisdom handed down from generations.
Del resto se non hai mai visto un Pulcinella in Paradiso è solo perchè “Pulcinella non muore mai”. It ‘a gesture of love that this year we will offer, in the immortal memory of Roberto Bracco, Francesco Cilea and Salvatore Di Giacomo, three
special awards. Three examples of our Neapolitan soul. Three Pulcinella.
In fact, if you’ve never seen a Pulcinella in Paradise is because “Pulcinell never dies”.




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A unique feeling, a unique emotion, an unforgettable experience .....
again this year, in the second edition of Agerola On the Path of the Gods Festival of Upper Amalfi Coast.

Theater, cabaret, classical, world and folk music for all tastes, following the path set by last year’s magnificent edition, on the footsteps of tradition, memory, elegance and simplicity combined with the brio of the fresh and sparkling evenings you’ll spend with us. Because this is Agerola, a mix of shapes and colors, an exciting journey through time, a lane that is a path to discover and live in complete harmony with nature and food.

Because Agerola is the blue sky one touches with a finger when looking further up towards the moon that inspired Salvatore Di Giacomo, or in the silence that enchanted Francesco Cilea, or in the paths that surprised Roberto Bracco.

The three prestigious awards which in last year’s edition were conferred to Nicola Piovani, Carlo Croccolo and Giancarlo Giannini, this year will be granted to three artists, immortal keepers of our culture.

Three other great artists will be honored with our 2013 edition awards, while you’ll be lulled by the supreme music of most famous orchestras, by the words and stories of important actors and by clever musicians of our folk tradition.

Because Agerola is a sweet note while watching the sea, a mermaid who dances coloring the sky with stars, a fruit with a unique flavor that you’ll never tire of tasting.

Because Agerola is specially Agerola.






timelineUna vacanza all’insegna del sano riposo e della calma, abbinata al gusto, alla scelta attenta degli eventi proposti.
Proviamo a viziarti, certi che solo qui potrai assaggiare le eccellenze della nostra terra e del lavoro tramandato di padre in figlio, come un gioiello di famiglia, delle abili maestranze casearie, e non solo.
Pane, taralli, fiordilatte, provolone del monaco, la pera pennata, il pomodorino, i salumi e le carni... solo alcuni dei prodotti che non mancheranno mai sulla tua tavola, assieme al gusto dell’acqua di sorgente e del vino corposo e profumato.
Immagina una tavola imbandita alla vecchia maniera, buona compagnia e tanta accoglienza. Poi vieni a trovarci e siediti con noi.
Scenari che lasciano senza voce anche chi qui ci è nato, ma che sorprendono ogni volta che ti fermi a guardarti attorno.
Sentieri che si snodano tra le montagne ed i boschi, ad un passo dal mare, tra il verde ed il blu.
La luna così gialla e vicina sembrerà cantarti favole, note raffinate e poesie d’autore.
Serate briose e piacevoli, che spero renderanno le tue giornate qui un’ esperienza indimenticabile.
Perché vogliamo che il tuo soggiorno non sia una semplice vacanza, vogliamo lasciare un ricordo: autentico tesoro di cultura, civiltà e buon vivere.
Vogliamo raccontarti di un paese, la nostra Agerola: madre dolce che racconta fiabe, amante carica di emozione e figlia da proteggere.
Vogliamo vederti felice di ritornare qui ogni volta che vorrai...augurandoti una Buona Estate sui Sentieri degli Dei.....e l’Olimpo è più vicino..


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