Due to an interruption on the "Valle delle Ferriere", here are the dates in which only groups allowed can visit it reguarding june 2018:

- saturday 2, sunday 10, saturday 16, sunday 24, saturday 30;

- all the other days between monday and friday, if they are not festive.

Other regolamentation about the Area:

-You can visit the area, at the moment, just in the low part (where is located the fall), with entrance from Pontone and Amalfi, only in daily hours and just until 13:15.

-The acces to the medium-high area is now unaviable, because of the presence of a landslide composed by big rocks (just before the entrence of the area) on the PUNTA D'AGLIO-ROTTONE.

- Starting from Pontone you have to be very carfully because along the "Prestofa-Croce delle Ferriere" there are no protection.

- The access to the Reserve is allowed only to who has an authorizes given by this Department.

- To have the authorization you need to send an email or contact the Caserta's "Reparto Carabinieri Biodicersitò" (Corso Trieste n°8- Tell. 0823354693- Fax. 0823356039 - email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - pec: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), at least 10 days before the day you want to visit it, by saying the day you chose and giving you contacts and the nomber of the person who wants to partecipe at the visit.

- The accese at the Reserve, just for authorised gruops, is allowed just for a maximum of 20 people at a tim, with a time lapse of 30 minutes from a group to another.

- The authorizes relised from the Department are free.

- It is always forbidden to start a fire and should not be done activity that will put you and others in danger or that can damage the flora and fauna or the morphology of the place; cameras and videocameras are allowed for a private use only.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
